This bibliography is not intended to be comprehensive. We welcome suggestions for any further items to include, particularly those which use the data contained on this site. More general articles on textual scholarship are given in the ‘links’ section of this site.
- A. E. Housman. The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism
- R. J. O’Hara and Peter Robinson. ‘Report on the Textual Criticism Challenge 1991.’ Bryn Mawr Classical Review 3.4 (1992): 331-37.
- R. J. O’Hara and Peter Robinson. ‘Computer-Assisted Methods of Stemmatic Analysis.’ In N. F. Blake and P. M. W. Robinson (eds.) Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers 1. Oxford: The Office for Humanities Communication, 1993, 53-74.
- Peter Robinson. ‘An Approach to the Manuscripts of “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue.”’ Papers of the 1992 Chaucer and the New Technology Conference. CCH Working Papers. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1993: 17-47.
- R. J. O’Hara and Peter Robinson. ‘Cladistic Analysis of an Old Norse Manuscript Tradition.’ In S. Hockey and N. Ide (eds.) Research in Humanities Computing 4 Oxford, OUP, 1996: 115-137.
- Peter Robinson. ‘Computer-Assisted Stemmatic Analysis and “Best-Text” Historical Editing.’ In P. Van Reenen and M. Van Mulken (eds.) Studies in Stemmatology. Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 1996: 71-103.
- Peter Robinson. ‘A Stemmatic Analysis of the Fifteenth-Century Witnesses to The Wife of Bath’s Prologue’. In N. F. Blake and P. M. Robinson (eds.) Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers II. London: The Office for Humanities Communication, 1997, pp. 69-132.
- A. Barbrook, N. Blake, C. Howe and P. Robinson.
The Phylogeny of the Canterbury Tales. Nature 394 (1998): 839.
- Peter Robinson. ‘Analysis Workshop.’ In E. Solopova (ed.) The General Prologue on CD-ROM. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
- Peter Robinson. ‘Stemmatic Commentary.’ In E. Solopova (ed.) The General Prologue on CD-ROM. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
- M. Spencer and C.J. Howe. ‘Estimating Distances between
Manuscripts Based on Copying Errors.’ Literary and Linguistic Computing 16 (2001): 467-484.
- C. J. Howe, A. Barbrook, B. Bordalejo, L. Mooney, M. Spencer, P. Robinson. ‘Manuscript Evolution.’ Trends in Genetics 17:3 (2001): 147-152.
- M. Spencer and C.J. Howe, C.J. ‘How Accurate Were Scribes? A
Mathematical Model.’ Literary and Linguistic Computing 17 (2002): 311-322.
- M. Spencer, K. Wachtel and C.J. Howe. ‘The Greek Vorlage of the
Syra Harclensis: A Comparative Study on Method in Exploring Textual
Genealogy.’ TC: a journal of biblical textual criticism, 7 (2002)
- C. J. Howe, A. Barbrook, L. Mooney, and M. Spencer. ‘Stemmatic analysis of Lydgate’s Kings of England: a test case for the application of software developed for evolutionary biology to manuscript stemmatics.’ Revue d’Histoire des Textes 31 (2001): 275-297 (published 2003).
- C. J. Howe, A. Barbrook, B. Bordalejo, L. Mooney, P. Robinson, M. Spencer, Li-San Wang, and Tandy Warnow. ‘Analyzing the Order of Items in Manuscripts of The Canterbury Tales.’ Computers and the Humanities 37 (2003), 97-109.
- M. Spencer, B. Bordalejo, P. Robinson and C.J. Howe. ‘How reliable is a stemma? An analysis of Chaucer’s Miller’s Tale.’ Literary and Linguistic Computing 18 (2003): 407-422.
- L. R. Mooney, A. C. Barbrook, C.J. Howe, and P. Robinson. ‘Parallels between stemmatology and phylogenetics.’ In Pieter van Reenen, August den Hollander and Margot van Mulken (eds.) Studies in Stemmatology II. Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2004: 3-15. (with L. R. Mooney, A. C. Barbrook, C.J. Howe.)
- M. Spencer, L. R. Mooney, A. C. Barbrook, B. Bordalejo, C.J. Howe, and P. Robinson. ‘The Effects of Weighting Kinds of Variants’. In Pieter van Reenen, August den Hollander and Margot van Mulken (eds.) Studies in Stemmatology II Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2004: 227-240.
- Matthew Spencer, Barbara Bordalejo, Peter Robinson and Christopher J. Howe. ‘How Reliable is a Stemma? An Analysis of Chaucer’s Miller’s Tale.’ Literary and Linguistic Computing 18:4 (2003):407-422/
- Peter Robinson. ‘Making electronic editions and the fascination of what is difficult.’ Linguistica Computazionale XX-XXI (2004), 415-438.
- M. Spencer and C.J. Howe. ‘Collating texts using progressive multiple alignment.’ Computers and the Humanities 38 (2004): 253-270.
- Spencer M, E.A. Davidson, A.C. Barbrook and C.J. Howe. ‘Phylogenetics of artificial manuscripts.’ Journal of Theoretical Biology 227 (2004): 503-511.
- M. Spencer, K. Wachtel and C.J. Howe. ‘Representing multiple pathways of textual flow in the Greek manuscripts of the Letter of James using reduced median networks.’ Computers and the Humanities 38 (2004): 1-14.
- C. Macé, P. Baret, P. Robinson. ‘Testing Methods on an Artificially Created Textual Tradition’ Linguistica Computazionale XXIV-XXV (2005).
- Peter Robinson. ‘The Identification and Use of Authorial Variants in the Miller’s Tale’ International Journal of English Studies 5.2 (2005), 119-135.
- H.F. Windram, C.J. Howe and M. Spencer. ‘The identification of exemplar change in the Wife of Bath’s Prologue using the maximum χ-squared method.’ Literary and Linguistic Computing 20 (2005): 189-204.
- Peter Robinson. ‘Witness Relations.’ In Paul Thomas (ed.) The Nun’s Priest’s Tale on CD-ROM. Birmingham: Scholarly Digital Editions, 2006.
- Peter Robinson and Barbara Bordalejo. ‘Stemmatic Commentary.’ In Paul Thomas (ed.) The Nun’s Priest’s Tale on CD-ROM. Birmingham: Scholarly Digital Editions, 2006.
- William Robins. ‘Editing and Evolution.’ Literature Compass 4 (2006):89-120.
- M. Spencer, H. Windram, A.C. Barbrook, E.A. Davidson and C.J. Howe. ‘Phylogenetic analysis of written traditions.’ In P. Forster (ed.) Phylogenetic methods and the prehistory of languages, Ch. 6, pp. 67-74. McDonald Institute of Archaeological Research, Cambridge.
- Heather F. Windram, Prue Shaw, Christopher J. Howe and Peter Robinson. ‘Dante’s Monarchia as a test case for the use of phylogenetic methods in stemmatic analysis.’ Literary and Linguistic Computing 23 (2008), 443-463.
- T. Roos and T. Heikkila. ‘Evaluating methods for computer-assisted stemmatology using artificial benchmark data sets.’ Literary and Linguistic Computing 24 (2009), 471-433.