The European Society for Textual Scholarship


Special offer till 1 March 2008: buy membership for both 2006 and 2007, entitiling you to both Variants 5 and 6, at a 20% discount!

Membership for the European Society for Textual Scholarship is now open. Inidvidual and institutional members will receive the 2007 number of the ESTS journal, Variants.

Membership categories and costs are as follows:

Full individual member€50 or £34 UK You can pay by credit card or PayPal, in Euros or UK pounds, through our sponsor, Scholarly Digital Editions, at
Institutional member€75 or £51 UKPay by credit card or PayPal, in Euros or UK pounds, at

You may pay by creditcard (MasterCard or Visa), PayPal, or cheque. If you pay by credit card: the payment will be processed by our sponsor, Scholarly

Digital Editions, and will appear as a payment to SDE on your account.

The amount taken will be £34 UK and will be debited in your local currency (if you are paying from a Euro account the exact amount debited will be slightly more or less than €50).

If you pay by cheque:

For credit card payments: fill out credit card and other details and fax this form to +44 (0) 121 415 8376 OR: pay at the Scholarly Digital Editions site, by credit card or PayPal, in Euros or UK pounds, at

For cheque payments: send this form with payment to: ESTS, ITSEE, Selly Oak Campus, University of Birmingham, B29 6LG.

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For regular society mailings, I prefer that you use my:___Dept. Address ___Home Address
For the Membership Directory, I prefer that you list my: ___Dept. Address ___Home Address

Last updated November 19th, 2007
Page maintained by B. Bordalejo
Web Design by dreamLogic